Certified copy of Trust Deed /Constitution of the applicant.Certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation/ Registration of the applicant;Certified true copy of the PIN Certificate of the applicant; A resolution of the applicant resolving to apply for income tax exemption;A profile of the applicant detailing its charitable activities and how these benefit the residents of Kenya;Recommendation letter from relevant regional religious leader or Bishop in support of our application;Letter from the Provincial Administration (D.C., D.O., or local Chief), evidencing the existence of the applicant and its activities; In case of a renewal, copy of the previous Certificate of Exemption;Copies of the latest financial statements (profits and loss accounts/income and expenditure statements and balance sheet) of the applicant;Letter of authorization the agent to submit the application on behalf of the applicant and deal with all incidental correspondence.
Source: Kenyan Lawyer- By Cyrus Maina Read More