Category Videos

How to Convert Foreign High School Grades to Kenyan Grades

DISCLAIMER & WAIVER OF LIABILITY.Watching the videos on this YouTube channel does not form professional relationships or create legal obligations or constitute professional advice.No part of this publication which includes YouTube videos may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system…


This video explains the meaning of passing off and how to protect an unregistered trademark in Kenya.DISCLAIMER & WAIVER OF LIABILITY.Watching the videos on this YouTube channel does not form professional relationships or create legal obligations or constitute professional advice.No…

Compulsory Land Acquisition in Kenya.

This video defines compulsory land acquisition and provides an overview on sanctity of title Background Photo by Zane Lee on Unsplash DISCLAIMER & WAIVER OF LIABILITY.Watching the videos on this YouTube channel does not form professional relationships or create legal…

Nairobi Legal Live Stream

DISCLAIMER & WAIVER OF LIABILITY.Watching the videos on this YouTube channel does not form professional relationships or create legal obligations or constitute professional advice.No part of this publication which includes YouTube videos may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system…