Report on Implementation and Review of Protocol on Publication of County Legislation – Kenya Law Reform Commission (KLRC)
Kenya Law Reform Commission (KLRC) Source: Kenya Law Reform Commission KLRC – Kenya Law Reform Commission (KLRC) Read More
Kenya Law Reform Commission (KLRC) Source: Kenya Law Reform Commission KLRC – Kenya Law Reform Commission (KLRC) Read More
Kenya Law Reform Commission (KLRC) Source: Kenya Law Reform Commission KLRC – Kenya Law Reform Commission (KLRC) Read More
Kenya Law Reform Commission (KLRC) Source: Kenya Law Reform Commission KLRC – Kenya Law Reform Commission (KLRC) Read More
On the 12th December 2019, His Excellency Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta C. G. H. President of the Republic of Kenya, honoured our Senior Partner Mr. Allen Gichuhi with a State Investiture of Honours and Awards of Elder of the Order of…
On 20 October 2021, the Bucharest International Arbitration Court (“BIAC”) and the American Arbitration Association – International Centre for Dispute Resolution (“ICDR”) held a conference on the latest arbitration trends and the new ICDR International Dispute Resolution Procedures (“Conference”). The…
British Columbia (“BC”) was the first Canadian jurisdiction to introduce modern arbitration legislation based on international standards in the UNCITRAL Model Law in 1986. Despite being an early leader in arbitration in Canada, BC did not update its domestic legislation…
For immediate release: Mombasa, 22 November 2021: With resounding calls for Climate Justice NOW, African civil society allies, with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, launched a new five-year consortium project which sets out to empower…
Planned reforms to laws governing PPPs will infuse best practice and likely increase investor confidence and PPP activity and opportunities in Kenya over the next few years, says Kithinji. “The bill before Parliament seeks to make the PPP legal and…
Arbitration agreements often provide that certain procedural steps must be undertaken before arbitration is commenced, such as mediation or negotiation. This provides a ‘cooling-off period’ in which the parties can seek to resolve their dispute amicably before resorting to formal…
In CLMS Mgmt. Servs. et al. v. Amwins Brokerage et al., the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit considered whether a state law (by operation of the federal McCarran-Ferguson Act, which gives states the authority to regulate the…