Kenyan laws on Foreign Ownership of Land

Ownership of Land by Foreigners in Kenya          The Kenyan Constitution and the Lands Act (Act No. 6 of 2012) and the Land Registration Act (Act No. 3 of 2012) provide that foreigners or non-citizens can only own land under…

Copyrights Protection under Kenyan Laws

The Copyright Act, (Act No. 12 of 2001), is the main legislation dealing with administrative and enforcement structures and mechanisms for copyright protection and related rights in Kenya.  It came into force on 1st February, 2003.The main features of the…

Controlled Tenancies under the Kenyan Law

Controlled tenancies are tenancy defined under the Landlord and Tenant Act (Shops, Hotels and Catering Establishments Act), (Cap 301) of the Laws of Kenya (The “Act”).   The preamble to this Act states that it is “an Act of Parliament intended…